Census Tables

We have created searchable data tables of the following. We hope you find these a really useful and interesting resource.

Census Population 1801 – 1851

Census of Population 1801-1851 showing population numbers and percentage change by county, covering England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Islands in the British Seas. Read More »

Census of 1841 – Occupations

Occupations of persons enumerated in Great Britain in the year 1841. Read More »

Census of 1851 – Occupations

Alphabetical and classified arrangement of the occupations of the males and females of Great Britain in 1851. Read More »

Census of 1861 – Occupations – England and Wales

Alphabetical and classified arrangement of the occupations of the males and females of England and Wales in 1861. Read More »

Census of 1861 – Occupations – Ireland

Alphabetical and classified arrangement of the occupations of the males and females of Ireland in 1861. Read More »

Census of 1861 – Occupations – Scotland

Alphabetical and classified arrangement of the occupations of the males and females of Scotland in 1861. Read More »