
We have put together a number of emigration-related articles that appeared in The Morning Chronicle following the publication of the “Labour and the Poor” letters in that newspaper.

Sidney Herbert’s Emigration Plan

The Right Honourable Sidney Herbert M.P. was a prominent member of Parliament at the time of the publication of the Labour and the Poor investigations. He proposed the following plan arising from the public reaction to the letters, encouraged by Caroline Chisholm who was herself a staunch proponent of emigration to relieve poverty at home and to progress the colonies, and who had herself written many articles on the subject. Read More »

Caroline Chisholm’s Emigration Letters

Caroline Chisholm’s Emigration Letters appeared shortly after the publication of Sydney Herbert’s Emigration Plan and put the case for emigration to the readership. She had lived in both India, establishing a female school of industry, and Australia, where she provided support and accommodation for homeless immigrants. She was well respected and her words carried great weight. Read More »

Protection to Emigrants

This detailed Letter to the Editor was published shortly after the series of letters by Caroline Chisholm and explains the emigration process and how emigrants would be treated and protected once they arrived in the colonies. Read More »

The Female Emigration Society

This benevolent society came about in response to the plight of the needlewomen of London and was supported by Caroline Chisholm, Sidney Herbert and Lord Ashley amongst others. We have transcribed eight corresponding articles that were published in The Morning Chronicle in connection with the “Labour and the Poor” letters. Read More »

Family Colonization Loan Society

The society founded by Caroline Chisholm which encouraged the emigration of families rather than individuals and provided loans to assist in their passage and settlement. Read More »